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With the faculty of Aerospace Engineering VNU 

With the faculty and students of Aerospace Engineering VNU 

At Institute of Strategy and Policy for Natural Resource and Environment, Vietnam

At Vietnam National Space Center, Vietnam
May 8 to 18, 2019 visited 3 scientific institute in Hanoi, Vietnam. The following institutes in Hanoi, Vietnam were visited

  1. Aerospace Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University
  2. Institute of Starkey and Policy Development for Natural Resources and Environment
  3. Vietnam National Space Center
This gave an opportunity to interact with the scientists, engineers and students. At all the three institutes I spoke on the following points:

  1. Activities of Space Education and Research Foundation in terms of visits, webinars and workshops/training workshop
  2. Space Education for Sustainable Development and
  3. Education avenues and possibilities India e.g. CSSTEAP and its UN sponsored program: